Comment history with gRiLLo
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To embed your own video...look for the code in the idliketomeet section. It should be towards the bottom. Div class = video Just replace the embed code (it might say object instead of embed) with your video embed code and make sure you delete everything that is in between div class = video and / div. I hope that was clear. =)
To embed your own video...look for the code in the idliketomeet section. It should be towards the bottom. Div class = video Just replace the embed code (it might say object instead of embed) with your video embed code and make sure you delete everything that is in between div class = video and / div. I hope that was clear. =)
To embed your own video...look for the code in the idliketomeet section. It should be towards the bottom. Div class = video Just replace the embed code (it might say object instead of embed) with your video embed code and make sure you delete everything that is in between div class = video and / div. I hope that was clear. =)
hey i have a question about the NEW HOMEPAGE SKIN LAYOUT
how can I add my own video...cause i already tried and I just can' when u have time please...please...message me...thankz